Congratulations to the following new Inductees
Congratulations to the following new Inductees of the Field Trial Hall of Fame.
Pointer and Setter FTHoF
People: Tommy Davis N.G. “Butch” Houston, John D. Seawright
Dogs: Lester’s Snowatch (Owner: Gary Lester)
Brittany FTHoF
People: Dave Fletcher, Kent Patterson
Retriever FTHoF
People: W. Averell Harriman, Judy Rasmuson
Dogs: Ragin Eye of The Storm (Owners: John Thomas & Bobby Davidson), Volwood’s Peaches and Cream (Owners: Jack and Florence Vollstedt)
English Springer Spaniel FTHoF
People: Leaman Ames, Jim DeVoll
Dogs: Salmy’s Shamrock Mist “Kelli”, Crosswinds Jake Bentley “Jake”
German Shorthaired Pointer FTHoF
People: Dennis Brath, Philip Casdorph
Cocker Spaniel FTHoF
People: A. R. Ginn, Jr.
Dogs: Chyknell Megan (Owner: A. R. Ginn), Mallowdale Naomi (Owners: Mrs. William Drake, Handler: Fred Bradley)