Thunder: Junior Park Ranger


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Thunder: Junior Park Ranger

Thunder: Junior Park Ranger by Trish Madell. Book for children. Soft cover. 118 pages.

From back cover:

What do a skunk, a snake, and a desperate deer family have in common?

How does a cold winter in North Dakota cause a disaster in Mississippi?

Where is Spot?

Junior Ranger Thunder has sworn to preserve and protect historic landscapes for future generations (and not to pee on the monuments). He's new on the job, and still "pretty green," but he finds the answers to these and many other questions as he gets a crash course in crisis management, Mississippi style.

It's a tough assignment when the hog clan comes to town, but Thunder is determined to uphold his oath, and he does it all while completing his education. What a dog, what a ranger, what a story, even if sometimes it stinks.

About the dog and the author:

Thunder explored almost every square foot of Vicksburg National Military Park during the three years he lived there with his mom, author Trish Madell, and his dad, a real life Park Ranger. They now live in Maine where they explore Acadia National Park daily, and often visit other national parks for fun and adventure.

